Coping with COVID-19 Isolation

We are in an interesting and potentially stressful time. The COVID-19 crisis has impacted all of our lives, and has led to anxiety and fear in many of us. Although we may be physically isolated, we are not alone, we are in this together! We all need to stay present when the fear shows up and face it with courage, intelligence and care. We don’t have to let the fear and anxiety further isolate us.
How do we do this?

Practice Compassion

We need to have compassion for ourselves and others as we make our way through this. It’s also important to recognize that each of our experiences throughout this time will be different, but equally as valid. Do you feel energized and motivated to be healthy and active right now? Great, but don't forget to give yourself some downtime to feel your feelings. Do you feel unmotivated and stuck on the couch eating comfort foods? That's okay too, but don't commit to it. It’s also okay if you feel both of these things (and others), if you sit somewhere in between them, or if your feelings oscillate day to day or even minute to minute. Allow yourself and each other to be how you need to be right now.

Practice Daily Mindfulness

It’s more important now than ever to make sure that we’re all well resourced in terms of safety, strength and connection. We also need to focus on responding rather than reacting to our experiences and take a daily responsibility for our wellbeing. Together we can tune into the joys and simple things that make us alive and connected. We can do this by asking ourselves daily questions like:

  • What am I grateful for today? 

  • What brought me joy today?

  • Who am I checking in on, or connecting with, today?

  • What expectations of myself and others can I or have I let go of today? 

  • What is most important to me in this moment?

  • How can I connect with nature today?

  • How can I move my body & sweat today?

  • How can I be creative today?

  • How can I stimulate myself mentally today? 

Below you will find a list of online resources to support you in some of these practices.
I’m working my regular hours via video and telephone, so if you need support I’m here. Reach out to me at anytime via email, phone or text. We’re all in this together and we’re going to get through this together! 

Take good care of yourselves,

"Magic & power don’t come from contemplating all that lies ahead, how much needs to be done, all that might go wrong, whether we’ll get through. That's fear."

Fear overwhelms. The present moment brings peace. Feel what you need to feel & let it go. 

-Melody Beattie, "Journey to the Heart"

Online Resources:

Self-Compassion Meditations & Exercises

Guided meditation from Michael Sealey "Let Go of Worries & Strengthen Health"

"Eye of the Hurricane" Meditation 

Tara Brach Meditations & Talks for Pandemic Support

Free Mindfulness Resources to Find Calm and Nourish Resilience During the COVID Outbreak

Heart-Opening Visualization

Life-Hack: 25 Best Self Improvement Books to Read No Matter How Old You Are

Top Personal Development Reads This Year (Last updated March 2020)

Authentic Self-care

Redwood National Park 4K Virtual Hike

Yoga with Adriene, free yoga classes online for almost any focus

Fitness Blender: Free Workout Videos

The Lifeline Canada Foundation Apps For Your Brain 

Courage Practice to Build Self-Confidence

Talking to Children About COVID-19

Radical Compassion Free E-book

Beyond Anger: How to Hold On to Your Heart and Your Humanity in the Midst of Injustice Free E-book